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The lessons learnt from the 2017 Manchester Arena Attack and subsequent inquiry will impact us all. 

We can all do more, and should do more. A fundamental and transformational change in thinking is needed. 


This can be a daunting prospect and we are here to work with you to provide the best possible protection. 

Mike Granville

Co-Founder & Director

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Martyn's Law & The Protect Duty

What is it? 

The Protect Duty is also known as Martyn’s law and it is designed to ensure that security preparedness is delivered consistently across the UK, ensuring better protection of the public. It's introduction follows significant campaigning by security partners, business and victims’ groups and the recommendations in the Manchester Arena Inquiry. 

The new Government legislation will impose a duty on certain businesses and organisations to increase their preparedness and protection from a terrorist attack. We have experts available to help you improve security and ensure you have robust, proportionate, and consistent measures in place to improve public security. We are here to supporting you to continue to focus and prioritise on activates that help your customers and colleagues safe in the event of a possible future terrorist attack.

“The way the city of Manchester came together as a community in the wake of the cowardly Manchester Arena attack, and the amazing work of campaigners like Figen Murray who have dedicated their lives to making us safer and promoting kindness and tolerance, is an inspiration to us all.

“I am committed to working with Figen to improve security measures at public venues and spaces and to delivering this vital legislation to honour Martyn’s memory and all of those affected by terrorism.” 

Premises/Activities in scope

Premises which are used for: 

  • Entertainment and leisure, retail, food and drink

  • Museums, galleries & sports grounds

  • Public areas of local and central Government buildings (e.g., town halls)

  • Visitor attractions, temporary events

  • Places of Worship

  • Health and education

Qualifying capacity 

A two-tiered model will ensure proportionality in the exercise of the Duty:

  • Standard tier (max capacity of over 100) simple yet effective activities to improve protective security and preparedness. 

    • E.g. larger retail stores, bars and restaurants

  • Enhanced tier (max capacity of over 800) additional requirements are in place due to the potential catastrophic consequences of a successful attack. 

    • E.g. Live music venues, theatres and department stores


The UK Government does have plans to enforce compliance with this obligation though inspections and will have the ability to apply sanctions for breaches. 

What is changing?

Lessons learnt - following a number of 

Currently there are no legal new requirements but the indications are that these are due to be finalised/brought together during 

Home Office
Press Release 

 on 19th December 2022

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Home office response document to the Protect Duty Consultation


The Home Office held a public consultation to impacted businesses from 26/2/21 to 02/07/21

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This inquiry commenced on 7th September 2020 and is currently ongoing. Regular updates are uploaded.

Business Meeting

London Bridge Attack Coroner's Report and 


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